Clam Pass Park

This park boasts 35 acres of coastal habitat and preserves that habitat by providing beach access from a three-quarter-mile boardwalk to the sandy beach. The board walk is a destination itself for those adventurists who love a quiet nature walk. Butterflies flutter around the beautiful green backdrop and very often families can be seen taking in a relaxing afternoon in the area.
The boardwalk runs through a mangrove forest of salt-tolerant red, white and black mangroves. It also has a tidal bay area that acts as a breeding ground and nursery for marine life, wildlife, specifically many species of birds. Clam Pass Park abounds with wading shorebirds, eagles, hawks and osprey. The Conservancy of Southwest Florida offers a free nature walk Dec. – April (Mon.-Sat., excluding holidays) at 9am along the boardwalk and the beach. No reservations, just be at the tram stop.
Hours: 8 am – sundown